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Built-in star catalogs

HIPPARCOS class-attribute instance-attribute

HIPPARCOS = 'hipparcos'

Hipparcos Catalog = 118,218 stars

TYCHO_1 class-attribute instance-attribute

TYCHO_1 = 'tycho-1'

Tycho-1 Catalog = 1,055,115 stars module-attribute

    7588: "Achernar",
    60718: "Acrux",
    33579: "Adhara",
    68702: "Hadar",
    95947: "Albireo",
    65477: "Alcor",
    17702: "Alcyone",
    21421: "Aldebaran",
    105199: "Alderamin",
    15863: "Mirfak",
    50583: "Algieba",
    14576: "Algol",
    31681: "Alhena",
    62956: "Alioth",
    67301: "Benetnash",
    9640: "Almach",
    109268: "Alnair",
    26311: "Alnilam",
    26727: "Alnitak",
    46390: "Alphard",
    76267: "Gemma",
    677: "Sirrah",
    97649: "Altair",
    35904: "Aludra",
    2081: "Ankaa",
    80763: "Antares",
    69673: "Arcturus",
    102098: "Deneb",
    45556: "Turais",
    82273: "Atria",
    41037: "Avior",
    62434: "Mimosa",
    25336: "Bellatrix",
    27989: "Betelgeuse",
    66657: "Birdun",
    30438: "Canopus",
    24608: "Capella",
    746: "Caph",
    36850: "Castor",
    3419: "Diphda",
    57632: "Denebola",
    78401: "Dschubba",
    54061: "Dubhe",
    8102: "Durre Menthor",
    25428: "Elnath",
    107315: "Enif",
    87833: "Etamin",
    113368: "Fomalhaut",
    93308: "Tseen She",
    61084: "Gacrux",
    102488: "Gienah",
    86228: "Sargas",
    112122: "Gruid",
    9884: "Hamal",
    107259: "Herschel's Garnet Star",
    72105: "Izar",
    90185: "Kaus Australis",
    72607: "Kochab",
    42913: "Koo She",
    113963: "Marchab",
    71352: "Marfikent",
    45941: "Markab",
    59774: "Megrez",
    71860: "Men",
    28360: "Menkalinan",
    68933: "Menkent",
    53910: "Merak",
    45238: "Miaplacidus",
    25930: "Mintaka",
    10826: "Mira",
    5447: "Mirach",
    30324: "Murzim",
    65378: "Mizar",
    61932: "Muhlifein",
    39429: "Naos",
    92855: "Nunki",
    100751: "Peacock",
    58001: "Phecda",
    11767: "Polaris",
    37826: "Pollux",
    37279: "Procyon",
    86032: "Rasalhague",
    39953: "Regor",
    49669: "Regulus",
    24436: "Rigel",
    71683: "Toliman",
    84012: "Sabik",
    16537: "Sadira",
    100453: "Sadr",
    27366: "Saiph",
    113881: "Scheat",
    3179: "Schedar",
    85927: "Shaula",
    32349: "Sirius",
    104382: "South Star",
    65474: "Spica",
    44816: "Suhail",
    68756: "Thuban",
    4427: "Tsih",
    91262: "Vega",
    82396: "Wei",
    34444: "Wezen",

Star names by their HIP id. You can override these values when calling stars()

Planets ... Coming Soon: Pluto :)

JUPITER class-attribute instance-attribute

JUPITER = 'jupiter'

MARS class-attribute instance-attribute

MARS = 'mars'

MERCURY class-attribute instance-attribute

MERCURY = 'mercury'

NEPTUNE class-attribute instance-attribute

NEPTUNE = 'neptune'

SATURN class-attribute instance-attribute

SATURN = 'saturn'

URANUS class-attribute instance-attribute

URANUS = 'uranus'

VENUS class-attribute instance-attribute

VENUS = 'venus'

Types of deep sky objects (DSOs), as designated in OpenNGC

ASSOCIATION_OF_STARS class-attribute instance-attribute

ASSOCIATION_OF_STARS = 'Association of stars'

DARK_NEBULA class-attribute instance-attribute

DARK_NEBULA = 'Dark Nebula'

DOUBLE_STAR class-attribute instance-attribute

DOUBLE_STAR = 'Double star'

DUPLICATE_RECORD class-attribute instance-attribute

DUPLICATE_RECORD = 'Duplicated record'

EMISSION_NEBULA class-attribute instance-attribute

EMISSION_NEBULA = 'Emission Nebula'

GALAXY class-attribute instance-attribute

GALAXY = 'Galaxy'

GALAXY_PAIR class-attribute instance-attribute

GALAXY_PAIR = 'Galaxy Pair'

GALAXY_TRIPLET class-attribute instance-attribute

GALAXY_TRIPLET = 'Galaxy Triplet'

GLOBULAR_CLUSTER class-attribute instance-attribute

GLOBULAR_CLUSTER = 'Globular Cluster'

GROUP_OF_GALAXIES class-attribute instance-attribute

GROUP_OF_GALAXIES = 'Group of galaxies'

HII_IONIZED_REGION class-attribute instance-attribute

HII_IONIZED_REGION = 'HII Ionized region'

NEBULA class-attribute instance-attribute

NEBULA = 'Nebula'

NONEXISTENT class-attribute instance-attribute

NONEXISTENT = 'Nonexistent object'

NOVA_STAR class-attribute instance-attribute

NOVA_STAR = 'Nova star'

OPEN_CLUSTER class-attribute instance-attribute

OPEN_CLUSTER = 'Open Cluster'

PLANETARY_NEBULA class-attribute instance-attribute

PLANETARY_NEBULA = 'Planetary Nebula'

REFLECTION_NEBULA class-attribute instance-attribute

REFLECTION_NEBULA = 'Reflection Nebula'

STAR class-attribute instance-attribute

STAR = 'Star'

STAR_CLUSTER_NEBULA class-attribute instance-attribute

STAR_CLUSTER_NEBULA = 'Star cluster + Nebula'

SUPERNOVA_REMNANT class-attribute instance-attribute

SUPERNOVA_REMNANT = 'Supernova remnant'

UNKNOWN class-attribute instance-attribute

UNKNOWN = 'Object of other/unknown type' module-attribute

Default types of Deep Sky Objects (DSOs) that are plotted when you call dsos() on a plot module-attribute

    lower(): upper() for (k, v) in items()

Constellation full names module-attribute

    lower(): upper() for k in keys()

Constellation 3-letter abbreviations